Cammaert Farms proudly provides quality beef in sides of beef, quarter beef, and whole beef to customers looking to stock up their freezers. Our Angus-cross herd is well-known for producing high-quality, well-marbled steaks through a diet of grass and grains! We are proud members of the Elgin County Beef Farmers, providing families across Southwestern Ontario with delicious, nutritious beef.
Dave and Angela Cammaert are not your average beef producers. They hold their products to the highest standards, knowing that their customers care about the quality and flavour of their meat. Understanding the importance of family and community, they are deeply rooted in the local county. They both work hard to provide their customers with the freshest possible product, support the local economy and promote agriculture.
“We are a family-run business that values the well-being of our animals and uses sustainable farming practices in raising our beef.” Dave and Angela Cammaert
We select only from the best of our herd to butcher. Our cattle are raised in a stress-free, environmentally friendly manner using free-choice feeding. Our herd enjoys a diet of homegrown hay, mixed grains, and minerals. We have a modern open-style barn designed to allow cattle freedom. Only the best of our grass,grain-fed beef ends up on your table.